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August 28, 2006
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Mussel aquaculture industry thriving along northeast coast

Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, says that he is very impressed with mussel aquaculture activities taking place along the province’s northeast coast. During a recent visit, the minister toured Notre Dame Bay, Green Bay and the Bay of Exploits to meet with mussel growers and visit sites, processing facilities and equipment fabricating companies associated with the Newfoundland and Labrador mussel aquaculture industry. The minister was joined by Windsor-Springdale MHA Ray Hunter.

"I was very encouraged to see first hand the level of mussel aquaculture activity taking place in this province," said Minister Rideout. "The industry is certainly alive and well and has become a vital part of the economy of the northeast coast. There is a tremendous sense of optimism from all mussel growers, and it is very clear that everyone involved in mussel aquaculture has a true passion for the industry. This optimism, combined with this province’s optimal growing conditions, means that there are even bigger things ahead for the provincial mussel aquaculture sector."

Minister Rideout viewed a number of mussel sites along the coast and noted the positive economic impacts particularly in the areas near Summerford, Pleasantview and Pilley’s Island. He visited the mussel processing plant at Summerford and the new plant that is nearing completion at Pleasantview. The minister also met with representatives of Fab-Tech Industries Inc. of Glovertown, which has recently expanded its operations to include mussel aquaculture equipment.

Windsor-Springdale MHA Ray Hunter said, "I was pleased to join Minister Rideout as he viewed various aquaculture activities on the northeast coast, particularly in the Green Bay area. The aquaculture sector is certainly thriving in this area, and I commend all companies for their efforts in making this industry successful."

"The mussel aquaculture industry is rapidly expanding," said the minister. "Individuals and companies are taking the initiatives that are necessary to make the industry successful, and government supports all industry professionals completely. I was particularly pleased to see the spin-off benefits of the industry taking effect, with manufacturing companies being tasked to build aquaculture equipment. For example, Fab-Tech Industries Inc. has been working with the mussel industry to fabricate the boats, barges and other equipment that companies need to carry out various operations.

"The success of the industry is extending beyond mussel growing, and this entails benefits for all aspects of the rural economy. Indeed, these commercial farms are driving the economies of adjacent communities by employing farm and plant workers, as well as purchasing equipment from nearby suppliers. In this manner, the province is capturing the full benefit of the mussel aquaculture sector."

In 2005, the aquaculture industry in Newfoundland and Labrador employed a full-time equivalent of 360 individuals. The mussel aquaculture sector is expanding rapidly, with mussels one of the core commercial species targeted for expansion. In 2005, mussel production reached 3,157 MT, for a value of over $7 million.

Minister Rideout says government will continue to support the aquaculture industry as it moves forward. "It is clear that mussel industry professionals are making the smart choices to develop the aquaculture sector in this province," said the minister. "Government was pleased to provide over $5 million in Budget 2006 for aquaculture initiatives, and we will continue to support the industry as we move forward. This is consistent with government’s clear commitment to the sustainability of rural Newfoundland and Labrador."

Photo #1:  Minister Rideout, Windsor-Springdale MHA Ray Hunter and representatives of Badger Bay Mussel Farms Limited.

Photo #2:  Typical mussel farm in the Green Bay area.

Photo #3:  Minister Rideout and Job Halfyard at mussel site in Woodford's Arm.

Photo #4:  Minister Rideout and department official Shawn Robinson (right) speak with Wayne Fudge of International Enterprises Limited.

Media contact: Lori Lee Oates, ABC, Communications, (709) 729-3733, 690-8403,

2006 08 28                                         2:20 p.m.

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