Fisheries and Aquaculture
October 11, 2006

Government Addressing Tariff Issues With European Union

The Honourable Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, recently led a delegation of the province’s seafood industry to the European Union to address a number of seafood issues that will impact the future of our province’s industry. Included in the delegation were representatives from the Association of Seafood Producers, the Seafood Producers Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (SPANAL) and the Fish, Food and Allied Workers (FFAW).

Minister Rideout and the delegation met with Mr. Jörgen Holmquist, the Director General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs of the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, as well as senior officials from the Directorate General for Trade. The minister also exchanged views with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Canada. The delegation consists of Members of the European Parliament, some of whom plan to visit the province later this year.

“There are many global issues facing our province’s seafood industry. Key among them is the tariffs on seafood going into the European Union. We felt it was critical to go directly to the European Union to address those issues and open up opportunities for importing more Canadian seafood into the lucrative European marketplace,” said Minister Rideout. “Based on our deliberations, I anticipate that short-term relief is forthcoming on the shrimp tariff, and that the options discussed for a long-term solution will prove to be meaningful as we move forward.”

While in Brussels, the minister received a briefing from the Canadian Mission to the European Union. He met with the Canadian ambassadors to Belgium and Luxembourg, and to the European Union. As well the minister met with senior mission officials on fisheries and Canada-EU trade negotiations. They provided an overview on a variety of global trade issues related to seafood. The minister was also provided with information on the EU’s main scientific research funding program which could provide significant opportunities for collaborative fisheries research between Canadian and EU scientists.

Minister Rideout said, “The meetings we held were productive in addressing the important issues for the Newfoundland and Labrador seafood industry. We were able to open up discussions on the key issues. I’m optimistic that this will lead to better relations in the future and provide an opportunity for open dialogue between our respective governments.”

Media contact:
Lori Lee Oates
Director of Communications
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
709-729-3733, 690-8403

2006 10 11                                          4:25 p.m.

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