Fisheries and Aquaculture
December 13, 2006

Tremendous Day For Harbour Breton

The Honourable Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today said that government is extremely pleased that the Harbour Breton fish plant has reopened for the first time since April 2004.

"This is a tremendous day for residents of Harbour Breton and government joins with them in celebrating the beginning of a viable future for the community and, indeed, the entire region," said Minister Rideout. "When the facility closed, the Premier and our government made a commitment that we would not forget the residents of Harbour Breton and that we would stand shoulder to shoulder with them to generate new opportunities for the community. We said it would take time but, today, we have reached a turning point."

The Premier and a ministerial committee visited the community on many occasions and held numerous meetings with town representatives and other stakeholders.

"Government has worked tirelessly with the town, union and others," said the minister. "This led to government’s announcement last February that the Barry Group would become the facility’s new operator. This announcement was embraced by the town, but our critics still insisted that we did not have a plan for Harbour Breton. But, government continued to push forward and, today, it is very clear that our announcement in February was an instrumental step in bringing us to where we are right now."

Following the announcement in February, work to facilitate the transfer of the plant to the company was carried out, including the environmental remediation.

"When it came time for government to officially approve the transfer, we were delighted to do so," said Minister Rideout. "We considered the town’s future when executing that transfer by making it conditional that the facility revert back to the community should the Barry Group cease to operate at a later date."

Minister Rideout said the future looks bright for Harbour Breton and the entire Connaigre Peninsula.

"We understand that the Barry Group plans to grow its aquaculture operations in the region," said the minister. "Furthermore, with Cooke Aquaculture setting up a $155 million aquaculture project on the south coast, the future for aquaculture in that region is tremendously promising. Government will continue to work with the region toward long-term solutions.

"The Premier visited Harbour Breton as recently as last week to view the facility and speak to residents of the community," continued the minister. "There exists a very positive environment and there is much enthusiasm with this new beginning. I would like to acknowledge Mayor Don Stewart and the Town of Harbour Breton for the leadership and cooperation that they have shown throughout this process and wish the community every success in moving forward."

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Media contact:
Lori Lee Oates
Director of Communications
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
709-729-3733, 690-8403

2006 12 13                                                   1:00 p.m.

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