Fisheries and Aquaculture
December 21, 2006

Government to Assess Infrastructure Needs of
Mussel Aquaculture Industry Along Northeast Coast

The Honourable Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today announced that government is initiating an assessment of the infrastructure needs of the mussel aquaculture industry along the northeast coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture has allocated $25,000 for this initiative.

“As the mussel aquaculture industry continues to grow, so to does the need to ensure that infrastructure requirements are effectively met,” said Minister Rideout. “It is essential, for example, for mussel growers to have the appropriate wharf capacity that will allow the industry to move larger volumes of product over a much shorter period of time. This will provide both processors and the marketplace with a better quality product.”

In August, Minister Rideout toured the mussel aquaculture industry on the northeast coast and met with numerous industry representatives. During the visit, the need for enhanced infrastructure was identified as a key necessity to ensure that the industry continues to grow at its current rate.

“I was very encouraged to see the level of activity taking place along the northeast coast during my visit to the Green Bay area earlier this year,” said Minister Rideout. “Mussel growers in the area have made this industry a vital part of the local economy and I listened with great interest as they discussed some of their concerns and ways by which government can further contribute to the growth of this industry. Infrastructure was a key area and today I am pleased that we are moving forward with this assessment.”

A Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued and the successful proponent will complete the assessment. The proponent will assess existing infrastructure and identify the current and future infrastructure needs of the industry. In addition, the assessment will identify locations for possible infrastructure placement and their suitability for the future development of infrastructure facilities for the industry. Throughout the process, the proponent will consult with industry representatives, including the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA) and mussel processors in the region. The proponent will report to a steering committee consisting of officials of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The RFP closes on Friday, December 22, and work is expected to be completed before the spring.

“The mussel aquaculture industry has expanded tremendously in recent years,” said Minister Rideout. “Mussel production has increased from 1,400 tonnes in 2001 to 3,300 tonnes in 2006, and this is due in part to the unprecedented industry support from this government combined with the fact that industry professionals are making the smart choices to develop the aquaculture sector. We will continue to support the industry so as to encourage overall growth in our province. This is consistent with government’s clear commitment to rural Newfoundland and Labrador.”

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Media contact:
Lori Lee Oates
Director of Communications
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
709-729-3733, 690-8403

2006 12 21                                          10:25 a.m.

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