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Marine Services Centre


In 1973, the then Department of Fisheries began construction of 25 Marine Services Centres (MSC's) throughout the province to service fishermen and their boats.  (View Map of Marine Service Centres.)
  These MSC's provided haulout and launching services, and on-site vessel storage.   Most MSC's provide rental tools and electricity for a small fee and, many centres stocked parts and supplies for sale to users of the MSC.
  In 1992, Government decided to lease the operation of MSC's to private companies and community groups. Private operators provided expanded services to users of the Centres and were generally more in tune with fishermen users in local areas. Government was quick to recognize the benefits of private operation and, in 1997, moved to fully privatize the MSC's. Lessees were given the first opportunity to purchase their Centre.
  To date, twenty one (21) Centres have been sold outright to private companies, a further two (2) are in the process of being sold via Lease/Purchase Agreements and the remainder continue to be leased and operated by private companies. Government continues negotiations with all of the Lessees with a view to selling all of the remaining government-owned MSCs. (Click to View.)


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