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St. John's Agriculture Development Area Review Commission


About Us

The St. John’s Agriculture Development Area Review Commissioner is appointed jointly by the Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Municipal Affairs. The Commission will review the current boundaries of the St. John’s Urban Region Agriculture Development Area (the “Agriculture Zone”) to ensure that only lands of agricultural importance are included in the Agriculture Zone.

The review will facilitate efforts to sustain existing farmland initiatives as well provide solutions to overcome land-related barriers to farming and urban development. This review will be an open and transparent process, with full provision for participation by all stakeholders.

The office of the St. John’s Agriculture Development Area Review Commission is located on the 5th Floor, Natural Resources Building, 50 Elizabeth Ave. The office will remain open until shortly after the Commission submits its report to the Minister of Natural Resources. After the office closes, any inquiries related to the Agriculture Zone may be referred to the Land Development Advisory Authority of the Department of Natural Resources.

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Location of Land in Agriculture Development Area | Maps | Related Reports of Interest to the Zone | Links | Contact Us

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