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Immunization Schedule Newfoundland and Labrador January 2005

Table 1. Routine Immunization Schedule for Children beginning series in early infancy:


2 months ( 2 needles ) DaPTP/Hib & Pneu-C-7
4 months ( 2 needles ) DaPTP/Hib & Pneu-C -7
6 months ( 2 needles ) DaPTP/Hib & Pneu-C-7 
12 months ( 3 needles ) MMR & V(aricella) & Men-C
18  months ( 3 needles ) DaPTP/Hib & MMR & Pneu-C
4-6 years ( 2 needles ) DaPTP & V(aricella) (catch-up)
DaPTP/Hib - PENTACEL™ protects against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenza b.
MMR- MMRII™ protects against measles, mumps & rubella.
DaPTP- QUADRACEL™ protects against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio.
Pneu-C-7- PREVNAR™ protects against 7 types of pneumococcal disease.
V - VARILRIX™ protects against varicella, if a child has not had chickpox.
Men-C -MENINGITEC™ protects against type C meningococcal disease.

Table 2. As part of the school health program :
Grade 4 Hep B (3 doses) & Men-C (catch-up with one of the HepB)
Grade 9 dTap & Men-C (catch-up)
dTap - ADACEL™ protects from tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis
HepB -RECOMBIVAX™ protects from hepatitis B vaccine
Table 3. Newfoundland and Labrador Immunization Schedule for children 1 to 6 years of age inclusive who have not received previous immunizations
Age at Immunization DaPT/IPV Hib MMR Pneu-C-7 V MEN-C
First Visit (s)* X X X X X X
2 months after 1st DaPT/IPV/Hib X X X X    
2 months after 2nd DaPT/IPV/Hib X          
6-12 months after 3rd DaPT/IPV/Hib X          
4-6 years X†          
* While multiple injections may be given at one visit, discretion may be used when multiple injections above the routine number are due, ensuring that MMR and V are live vaccines and must be given at the same visit or at least one month apart.

† Not necessary if previous dose given after 4 years of age.

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