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  Total Fires
  Area and Forest Type
  Fire Occurence
  Significant Initiatives


The 2004 Forest Fire Season was below the ten-year average in fire starts and hectares burnt. Despite cool conditions and above normal precipitation in the Province early in the fire season, by the end of June 60% of the season’s fires was recorded. Although July and August were hot with minimal rainfall, only fifty-one (51) fire starts were recorded. Two early forest fires which occurred in 2004 had the potential to cause serious damage to person and property. An urban interface fire that threatened the community of Merritt’s Harbor on the northeast coast on May 18th burnt 200 hectares of forest and scrub. A fire which started on May 28th approximately 8 km south of Grand Falls-Windsor grew in size to 8 ½ km x 1 km within six hours. This fire also had the potential to be quite serious, however, following the first burning period approximately 39 mm of rain fell in the area followed by 1 ½ inches of snow the following day.

The Department maintained a fleet of 6 CL215's, a Cessna 338 Skymaster and 4 contract helicopters for the 2004 Forest Fire Season. The waterbombers spent 99 hours bombing fires and dropped approx. 3.2 million litres of foam/water. Under the MARS Agreement Newfoundland and Labrador sent one twenty (20) person crew to British Columbia from July 1st to July 14th to aide in the serious fire situation in that province.

Total Fires

Region Number
Eastern 104
Western 19
Labrador 30
Total 153

Area and Forest Type

Region Total Area (hectares) Productive Non-productive
Eastern 1,200.2 296.5 903.7
Western 32 7.2 24.8
Labrador 1,129.6 0 1,129.6
Total 2,361.8 303.7 2,058.1

Fire Occurrence

Cause Number
Lightning 7
Resident 65
Forestry 0
Other Industry 6
Incendiary 20
Recreation 37
Garbage Dump 9
Misc. 9
Total 153

Significant Initiatives

Regional staff provided on the job training to new and returning seasonal fire staff.

Nine (9) seasonal and permanent staff attended a one week Advanced Wildfire Behavior course in Nova Scotia in the fall of 2004.

A one week Crew Boss course was given to thirty-five (35) staff in November of 2004.

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