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Mission Statement: "To Protect our forest resource, its recreational and aesthetic value as well as public and private property from the ravaging effects of uncontrolled forest fires while preserving the health and well-being of all those who use and benefit from our forests."

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The Director of Forest Engineering and Industry Services is responsible for the Fire Suppression Program for the Forest Resources.  Field delivery is provided under the direction of the Regional Ecosystem Director using infrastructure established in the regional and district offices.

Over the years, the Department has improved its capability to suppress wildfires in the Province. Changes in the way the Department handles wildfire began in 1961 after a disastrous year. Following a very dry summer, extensive areas of Eastern and Central Newfoundland were ravaged by fire. In contrast, 1981 was even dryer but in part due to the introduction of new technology such as a Lightning Detection System, computerized decision support system, the use of fire fighting foam, better training of fire staff, the purchase of six (6) CL-215 Air Tankers and new systems and procedures such as aircraft alert codes, the Province was able to limit forest fire losses to a minimum.

The Province took the lead role in forest fire management and suppression in 1975 and as a result significant purchases of new equipment, technology and aircraft was made. A modern new Provincial Forest Fire Equipment and Maintenance Facility was constructed at Gander. In 1996, a state-of-the art hose drying, testing and repair facility was opened adjacent to the Forest Protection Centre.

The Forest Service operates six (6) CL-215 Air Tankers along with a Cessna spotter. Four long ranger helicopters are on full time standby and others are hired as needed. This equipment is used for initial attack along with ground crews who are scattered throughout the Island and in Labrador in twenty-six (26) depots. Fire co-ordination is handled by a Duty Officer for each region who oversees the initial attacks and deploys equipment as required.

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Facts and Figures - 2005 Forest Fire Season

  145 total fires were officially recorded burning at total of 22,834 hectares. The Eastern region recorded 85 fires, Western Region 30 and Labrador recorded 30.
  Of the 145 fire occurrences in 2005 81 were resident caused, 16 resulted from lightning, 6 by industrial operations, 11 fires were incendiary, 25 were recreation related, 4 were caused at garbage dumps and 2 were miscellaneous known.
  Only 31.3 hectares of productive forest land were burnt in 2005 while 22,802.7 hectares of non-productive forest were burnt.
  The official forest fire season for the Avalon portion of the Island commenced on May 6th and ended on September 18th while the season for the remainder of the Island portion and the Labrador portion commenced on May 13th and ended on September 18th.
  The average total fire suppression for Newfoundland and Labrador is approximately $6 million (including water bombers) per year.
  There are approximately 100 forest fire suppression field staff employed by the department throughout the various districts.
  As part of the province’s forest fire suppression effort six fixed wing aircraft were used along with four contract helicopters. The fixed wing aircraft recorded 281.7 hours of bombing activity and dropped approximately 10.7 million litres of water and foam in 2005.
  As part of the MARS Agreement in 2005 the province loaned Quebec two CL215’s from June 1st – 5th, one from July 11th – 25th, and one from July 14th – 26th.

Related Sites

  CFS Management Network
  National Forest Fire Situation Report
  Canadian Forestry Links
  Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre

For Further Information Contact:

Forest Resources
Forest Engineering and Industry Services Division

P.O. Box 2006
Fortis Tower
Corner Brook, NL, Canada
A2H 6J8

Tel. (709) 637-2349
Fax. (709) 637-2403

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