January 9, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Government calls on FPI to honour commitments

Beaton Tulk, Minister of Industry, Trade and Rural Development, and Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture (acting), today commented on a proposal which Fishery Products International (FPI) Ltd. presented to the FFAW earlier today.

Minister Tulk said: "When the new Board of Directors took control last May, they made clear and unequivocal commitments to the province and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador respecting job security for its current workforce. We said at that time, and repeated since then, that we would hold FPI fully accountable for its commitments.

"The government and the people of the province accepted FPI's commitments in good faith and I can say today that our resolve to hold FPI fully accountable is stronger than ever."

Minister Tulk noted that the government acknowledges the need for FPI to invest and modernize facilities in order to be competitive, but is committed to ensuring that the interests of FPI's employees are protected.

"Obviously, any plan which would lead to significant job losses is a cause for great concern, especially in the absence of a demonstrated and effective human resource plan. We understand that the FFAW has called for an immediate meeting with the government, and I commit to such a meeting on a priority basis," added Tulk.

Minister Tulk reiterated: "We do not understand how FPI's plan is consistent with its previous commitments for which I and my Cabinet colleagues intend to hold the company fully accountable."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2002 01 09                      4:45 p.m.

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