January 18, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Government plans public consultations on FPI Act

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today announced that he had invited the two opposition parties to participate in an all-party committee which will conduct public consultations, to review the current FPI Act.

"I have invited the two opposition parties in the provincial legislature to join with government in an all-party committee, to review the FPI Act," said Reid. "We will be travelling across the province, meeting with stakeholders and the general public, in an effort to determine what changes should be made to the FPI Act, so as to ensure that the interests of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are protected."

The public consultations will commence and be undertaken on an immediate basis.

"It is important to complete these consultations in an expedient manner, as FPI has such a significant impact on the lives of our rural communities," added Reid. "Recent announcements by FPI regarding potential lay-offs have had a tremendous impact on FPI employees, and it is important that we give these people an opportunity to have a say in their own futures. By working cooperatively with the opposition parties and affected stakeholders, we will ensure that the interests of the people of the province are protected."

"Today, I advised the chairman of the Board of Directors of FPI that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador intends to clarify the intent of the 15 per cent share restriction, to honour the spirit and intent of the legislation. The method of clarification will be determined following the public consultation process," added Reid.

Government is preparing a consultation document for the public hearings, which will be available next week. The public consultations will be held in Marystown, Bonavista, Springdale, Twillingate, Harbour Breton, Stephenville, Plum Point and Red Bay. Additional information on exact times and locations of public hearings will be made available next week.

"I would like to encourage the public to take the time to attend these meetings, as this issue is of such great importance to all of the people of this province."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2002 01 18                           3:15 p.m.

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