July 12, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister disappointed with Northern Shrimp Plan

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today reacted to the Northern Shrimp Plan, which was announced yesterday by Robert Thibault, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Minister Thibault maintained the shrimp quotas at the current level of 110,052 tonnes, denying requests for an increase in the Total Allowable Catch (TAC).

"I was very disappointed to hear that Minister Thibault did not increase the TAC, as was requested and anticipated," said Minister Reid. "I have met with industry and union representatives on this issue, and collectively and individually, we lobbied the federal minister for an increase in this year’s quota. Such an increase was fully warranted on the basis of DFO’s scientific assessment, and would have greatly improved the circumstances of those who rely upon the shrimp fishery. Unfortunately, the minister’s decision to maintain the status quo will result in the tie up of many inshore vessels for the remainder of the 2002 season."

The Northern Shrimp Advisory Council had recommended an increase in the order of 20 per cent to Minister Thibault, as scientific advice has demonstrated that the exploitation rate of the stock could withstand the increase.

Minister Reid also questioned DFO’s contention that a status quo management plan was necessary in light of weak market conditions. "The processing sector has indicated that a quota increase could have been accommodated without market erosion," added Minister Reid. "Indeed, there is concern that in the absence of a quota increase, our processors will in fact lose market share to their Scandinavian competitors."

I was hoping that Minister Thibault would accept the recommendations of the Shrimp Advisory Council, and implement an increase," added Minister Reid. "The stock is healthy and abundant, and an increase would certainly have benefited those in the industry. In light of the industry’s view on market conditions, today I have written to the minister, and requested that he reconsider this plan, especially as it relates to Fishing Area 6 off of the Northern Peninsula and the coast of Labrador."

Media contact: Elizabeth Mathews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2002 07 12                                  3:50 p.m.

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