November 8, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister comments on House of Commons fisheries committee chair

Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Gerry Reid today commented on the recent appointment of an Ontario Liberal MP as Chair of the House of Commons fisheries committee.

"I am disappointed that the federal government has once again denied us the opportunity to have solid representation on the House of Commons committee," said Minister Reid. "The federal government obviously believes that it is not important that the chair of the committee be an individual who understands the complexities and nuances of the fishing industry in Canada and who can suggest relevant and positive solutions to our issues. I am disappointed that with such excellent provincial representation in the House of Commons they would choose someone from another region to be the sole nominee for the fisheries committee chair position. This is yet another example of the blatant centrist mind-set of the current federal government."

Minister Reid continued on to say that he is discouraged to hear that provincial member John Efford is supportive of the appointment and regards it as a ‘strategic get some people on our side.’

"Having Mr. Efford in the House of Commons, as a former provincial Minister of Fisheries, is a coup for us as a province," said Minister Reid. "He has an in-depth knowledge of the challenges we face and he possesses the regional perspective that needs to be brought to the federal table. I am surprised to hear him advocate that we defer to the judgement of a representative from central Canada when he, as well as other members from Newfoundland and Labrador, would have made a better selection for the chair position."

Minister Reid also expressed his concern with the potential ‘whipping’ of the candidate process and said offering up one candidate, one with no ties to the Atlantic region is not only blatant political manipulation, it is also an insult to the capability and intelligence of the people of Atlantic Canada and their elected representatives.

"To promote only one candidate is bad enough," said Minister Reid. "But to promote one who isn’t even from Atlantic Canada, one who has no knowledge or affinity with the region is baffling. We have been ‘working with’ the federal government for years. They have consistently ignored our plight and refused to get involved with our fight to stop foreign overfishing on the nose and tail of the Grand Banks. I highly doubt that this new chair, with his roots deep in central Ontario, will improve our situation."

The minister also expressed his continued dissatisfaction with the federal representation of the situation. "The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has worked very hard with the industry to cultivate a sustainable, professional fishery. We are engaged in a battle for the future viability of the fishing industry in this province," said Minister Reid. "The federal government has consistently impeded our progress with a stunning lack of vision and absence of foresight. We need strong representation on this committee. I am unequivocally certain that having Mr. Efford on the committee is a step forward and that he, and the other government representatives from the province who serve on the committee, will act as excellent advocates for the provincial fishing industry. I would, however, encourage them all to stand strong against the indoctrination machine that insists there is no problem in the fishery in Atlantic Canada and that all solutions for our region emanate from central Canada."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733.

2002 11 08                                       3:15 p.m. 

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