December 16, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Opposition assertions completely unfounded and inaccurate

The provincial government has been actively pursuing a resolution to collective bargaining issues within the fishery for several months. Legislation currently before the House of Assembly to extend the Final Offer Selection for one year, is the only option available to ensure stability in the 2003 fishing season, and was introduced only after all other attempts to resolve outstanding issues had been exhausted.

"We have been aware for several months, that the Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (FANL) were considering withdrawal from the Final Offer Selection model for next year," said Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. "As soon as we were aware of this, we began to discussions with both FANL and the union, in an attempt to resolve the issues so as to ensure stability in the 2003 season. Assertions by Trevor Taylor, of the Official Opposition, that this situation is a result of government neglect or inaction, is absolutely wrong and a pathetic attempt to politicize an issue which is very serious."

Furthermore, the opposition has attempted to link the situation to reports on the fishing industry which have been written over the past year. "There is absolutely no connection between any reports written for the government, and FANL’s decision to opt out of the Final Offer Selection model. Mr. Taylor’s belief that the two are linked, demonstrates his complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue. I would strongly suggest that he get his facts straight prior to making damaging and false statements, purely for political mileage."

The Final Offer Selection model was a result of the 1997 Task Force on Fish/Crab Price Settlement Mechanisms, and was enshrined in legislation in July 2000, with the collaboration of representatives of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW/CAW) and FANL. Use of the model has resulted in a period of unprecedented labour peace and stability in the fishing industry, and without the model it is likely that some of these price disputes would have resulted in a strike or lock out.

On May 27, 2002, FANL applied to the Labour Relations Board to be accredited as the bargaining agent for all processors on the basis of all species. A number of processors responded to the Labour Relations Board’s notice of application and hearings started on November 18, 2002, meaning that accreditation approval would not be possible until sometime in 2003, after the December 31, 2002 deadline for FANL’s withdrawal from the model.

"Myself, the Minister of Labour and our officials have had extensive consultations with FANL, and government was extremely hopeful that they would reconsider their position and withdraw their letter of intent to withdraw from the process," said Minister Reid. "Unfortunately, in the end they did not withdraw their letter, and we had no choice but to enact legislation to protect those Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in the fishery."

Should collective bargaining revert to the traditional labour relations model, strikes and lockouts may occur. That regime was severely dysfunctional, resulting in delays in the opening of some fisheries and negatively impacting upon industry’s ability to supply consistent and quality products to the marketplace.

The Official Opposition has accused the government of neglecting its responsibility, the result of which is FANL’s plan to withdraw from the Final Offer Selection model. "Quite the contrary, this government has been very engaged on this file for many months," added Minister Reid. "Unlike the Opposition, our approach is to first work with stakeholders in an attempt to develop resolutions, not impose arbitrary decisions in the absence of consultations. Despite our very best efforts, we were unable to convince FANL to work within the model, so legislation became our only remaining option. This legislation went to a vote in the House of Assembly, and I wonder if the Opposition had a problem, why then did they vote unanimously in support of the legislation?"

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2002 12 16                                       1:40 p.m.

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