December 20, 2002
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

All-Party Committee has productive meeting on cod fisheries

A Federal/Provincial All-Party Committee held its second joint meeting today in St. John’s, to discuss the status of the 3Pn4RS and 2J3KL cod fisheries. The committee was formed late in November 2002, as a result of an all-party resolution passed in the province’s House of Assembly in November, in response to the potential closure of these two fish stocks. This was a result of media reports that the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans was contemplating closing the cod fisheries for the 2003 season.

Once again, there was a productive meeting with provincial and federal representatives of all political stripes that continued to develop a cooperative approach with all stakeholders to deal with this important issue. The sub-committee, designated in the first meeting, reported on its work to date. The full committee will now move forward to address the issues surrounding the potential closure of these fisheries.

The sub-committee reconfirmed the consensus of the first meeting, that a closure of these fisheries may not be necessary at this time. Additional information is being sought on science and existing fisheries management measures. Dr. George Rose, head of the MUN Fisheries Conservation Chair, briefed the committee from a scientific perspective providing a review of scientific issues with the committee.

Prior to any further discussions on closures it is vital to review the scientific evidence and methodology. Collectively, the committee is not satisfied that the science to-date is sufficient to make well informed decisions about the future of these fisheries. Given the socio-economic impact of any closures, the federal government cannot afford to make drastic decisions without extensive and exhaustive scientific analysis. The people of the province expect, and deserve nothing less.

Coming out of the meeting, the group remained united in their approach in dealing with this issue. In addition to the need for adequate science, the group also agreed to continue with its assessment of the economic impacts of the possible closures of the 2J3KL and 3Pn4RS cod fisheries, with particular focus on potential impacts on employment in both the harvesting and processing sectors.

The committee was also very critical of a recent decision made by DFO to open a winter fishery in the 4VN area. The decision to open a fishery that has been closed for nine years and is facing a possible closure in 2003 defies all logic and reason. The committee will present its strong objection to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans immediately.

The meeting was attended by Premier Roger Grimes, Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Gerry Byrne, Newfoundland and Labrador’s representative in the federal cabinet, involving federal MPs, senators, Danny Williams, leader of the Official Opposition, Jack Harris, leader of the NDP and representatives of the provincial legislature. The next meeting of the group is scheduled to be held early in 2003.

Media contact:

Carl Cooper, Office of the Premier, (709) 729-3960
Elizabeth Matthews, Fisheries and Aquaculture, (709) 729-3733

2002 12 20                                        5:30 p.m.

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