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July 22, 1996
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

John Efford, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, is very pleased to announce the appointment of Alastair O'Rielly, effective July 24, to the position of assistant deputy minister for aquaculture with his department. This new assistant deputy minister position was created as a result of the restructuring of the former Department of Fisheries, Food and Agriculture and reflects government's commitment to support the developing aquaculture industry.

Mr. O'Rielly, a Bachelor of Commerce graduate from Memorial University in 1975 specializing in marketing and management, was a former director of harvesting operations with the provincial Department of Fisheries following which, he worked for several years in private business related to the fishing industry. Most recently Mr. O'Rielly held the position of managing director for the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation.

Contact: Herb Ebsary, Special Projects Advisor, (709) 729-3778

1996 07 22 9:25 a.m.

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