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July 22, 1996
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador "has for years consistently opposed the use of foreign vessels in the northern turbot fishery, and MP George Baker would know that if he bothered to check," says Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford.

Mr. Efford commented today on statements made by Mr. Baker that the province supports Ottawa's decision to close the turbot fishery in Area O to Canadian fishermen while permitting foreign vessels to fish there.

"Not once since I became minister has MP Baker telephoned me to find out my position on anything. Had he bothered to do so he would know that it is totally unacceptable to the province that Canadian vessels are being forced to stop fishing for turbot in Area O while foreign vessels, under charter to Canadian companies, are permitted to fish the resource," he said.

"Clearly, vessels from Newfoundland and Labrador have demonstrated their ability to harvest larger quantities of turbot in Area O than the 900-tonne quota allocated for '96. A portion of the quota allocated to foreign charters should be transferred immediately to Canadian vessels," Mr. Efford said.

Mr. Efford said Ottawa should also speed up the time frame for phasing out foreign charters, and that the entire quota for 1997 should be for Canadian vessels.

Contact: Josephine Cheeseman, (709) 729-3733.

1996 07 22 4:40 p.m.

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