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September 3, 1996
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford is meeting with his federal counterpart in Ottawa today to discuss issues connected with the squid, hake and seal fisheries.

Mr. Efford said he disagees with the current restriction on who can catch and sell squid. "There is no quota on squid, so I see no reason why that fishery can't be open to anyone who wants to take advantage of the squid fishery this year," he said.

The minister said he also disagrees with the decision by Fisheries and Oceans to close the hake fishery on the south coast because of a bycatch of pollack.

Mr. Efford will also have a general discussion with the federal minister about the current status and future direction of the seal fishery.

1996 09 02 1:05 p.m.

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