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April 2, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister covers several key issues in meeting with federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, had his first meeting with Herb Dhaliwal, federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and ministers from the other Atlantic provinces on Friday, March 30 at the Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers (ACFAM) meeting in St. Andrew's, New Brunswick.

"It was the first opportunity I have had to sit down with Minister Dhaliwal, since being appointed as the province's Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, to discuss the key issues facing the fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador," said Minister Reid.

Minister Reid discussed several key issues which are important to the future viability of the province's fishing and aquaculture industries, including the current situation surrounding Fishery Products International (FPI) and the proposed takeover of the board of directors. "In light of the controversy surrounding FPI, I impressed upon Minister Dhaliwal the province's position, that all allocations and quotas to FPI must remain in place to be landed and processed in rural Newfoundland and Labrador," said Reid. "My main concern is to ensure that FPI is operated in a manner which ensures maximum benefits for the people of this province."

Minister Reid also discussed the issue of shrimp allocations and strongly reiterated the province's position that no new access be permitted to non-Newfoundland and Labrador interests, and that there be no increases in allocations to existing players outside of the province. "The federal minister is well aware of the province's position on this matter," added Reid. "Furthermore, an advisory committee has recommended an increase in shrimp allocations this season of 19,200 tonnes, and I strongly encouraged Minister Dhaliwal to distribute this as soon as possible to Newfoundland and Labrador interests."

Also in relation to shrimp, Minister Reid raised the issue of the current tariff on shrimp going into the European Union and the inherent problems created by the tariff for Newfoundland and Labrador companies. "This tariff places the province at a serious competitive disadvantage, and I asked that Minister Dhaliwal place this issue as a priority in all future trade discussions," said Reid. "The minister agreed that the tariff was prohibitive for the province, and committed to raise the issue at every available opportunity. 

"We, as a province, must continue to be vigilant in making representation to Ottawa on the issues which face the fishery in our province, so that we can continue to grow and diversify this billion dollar industry."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733.

2001 04 02                             9:10 a.m.

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