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May 2, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

The following statement was issued today by Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

I rise today to update my colleagues on a meeting which just took place between myself, the deputy premier, other members of cabinet and caucus, and the new board of directors of Fishery Products International, where we advised the board of government’s intent to hold them accountable for the commitments which they have made to the people of this province.

Government recognizes the significant role played by FPI in this province’s fishing industry, and when a new board of directors was elected yesterday we immediately requested a meeting with the new board, to discuss the future direction of FPI and the rural communities which will be affected by their corporate actions.

In the weeks leading up to yesterday’s meeting, the dissident slate, which ultimately formed the new board, made commitments to this government and to the people of the province regarding the future of FPI, and specifically the future of FPI plants and plant workers in this province.

The purpose of our meeting was to remind them of the commitments they have made, and to advise them that this government intends to hold them fully accountable for delivering on those commitments.

We advised the new board that we expect them to state their intentions and provide government and the people of the province with an outline of their corporate strategy and details of an action plan by which they will fulfill the commitments which have been made to the people of the province and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

These decisions and plans must be consistent with the promises that have been made to the government, the unions, the communities, and most importantly to FPI employees in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This government will continue to hold FPI accountable to the people of this province, and we will be convening another meeting with the board within the next couple of weeks to discuss these issues further.

Fishery Products International was created by the legislature of this province, and the FPI legislation can be modified at any time to ensure that the provisions of the act reflect current circumstances and address contemporary concerns.

2001 05 02                                                      2:10 p.m.

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