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September 7, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

 Government concludes discussions with industry and union
on shrimp fishery impasse

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Beaton Tulk, deputy premier, met again today with Earle McCurdy, president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers (FFAW/CAW) Union, and Alastair O'Reilly, president of the Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (FANL), in an attempt to facilitate a resolution to the current impasse in the shrimp fishery in the province. The fishery closed on July 3, 2001 when the FFAW and FANL concluded that market conditions made it unfeasible to process and sell shrimp.

"I deeply regret that FANL and the FFAW were unable to reach a negotiated settlement on shrimp prices, which would have resulted in the reopening of the province's shrimp fishery," said Reid. "Over the past week, government facilitated extensive discussions between the two parties, and devoted considerable resources to this issue, which is of critical importance to rural Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Despite our very best attempts, and having done everything in our power within the framework of the collective bargaining process, no agreement was forthcoming."

At this time, both the FFAW and FANL acknowledged that all avenues for an agreement have been exhausted, and that despite best efforts of all parties involved, the two parties agreed that there was no specific action the government could take which would result in a resolution to the problem.

"I have indicated to both parties that government's door remains open. The premier, the deputy premier, myself and our officials will be available over the weekend and at any time in the future, to assist them should they seek further assistance from this government," added Reid. "Our main goal and priority remains unchanged, and that is to reopen this fishery as soon as possible."

Government has reiterated its commitment to working cooperatively with industry and the union, in addressing the many challenges which are facing the shrimp industry in the province, including industry structure and market development issues.

The FFAW and FANL each submitted their final offers to an arbitrator in accordance with the terms of the Final Offer Selection process, on Friday, August, 31, 2001. The arbitrator rendered his decision this afternoon.

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2001 09 07                                        4:55 p.m. 

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