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October 19, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister makes representation to the Independent Panel
on Access Criteria (IPAC)

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today made representation to the Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC), a panel set up by federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister Herb Dhaliwal, to study access criteria for the Atlantic provinces as it relates to fishery resources.

"I was pleased to have an opportunity to make representation to the panel, whose work is of vital importance to this province," said Minister Reid. "This panel was established as a direct result of the federal minister's decision to allow a P.E.I. consortium access to the shrimp resource in the waters adjacent to Newfoundland and Labrador. The government and people of the province were united in their intense and vocal opposition to this decision and pressed the federal government to form the panel, and today I impressed upon them our position on access criteria."

Minister Reid reiterated the province's long-standing position that any fish resources adjacent to this province must be allocated for the benefit of Newfoundland and Labrador fishing interests and communities.

"My presentation to the panel focussed on the principle of adjacency," added the minister. "Our expectations of the panel are clear. Above all else, we wish to see a prepared report which identifies adjacency as the only criteria for new access to the fishery. While we agree that conservation must come first, granting access to resources adjacent to Newfoundland and Labrador to interests outside the province cannot and will not be accepted."

The panel commenced their work in June 2001, and have already had representation from other Atlantic provinces, industry groups and stakeholders. This is the panel's second visit to Newfoundland and Labrador, and while the province gave a detailed presentation today, a complete written report will be provided to the panel before the completion of their work.

"I made it very clear that we will not accept a final report that erodes our access to, and allocation of, fish resources adjacent to Newfoundland and Labrador," said Minister Reid. "We respect the mandate of the panel and are pleased to work cooperatively with them. However, any resulting report which negatively affects our right to access will be soundly rejected by this province."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733 or (709) 727-3438.

2001 10 19                             4:15 p.m.

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