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November 16, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister pleased with the sale of the Twillingate fish plant

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, commented today on the sale of the fish plant in Twillingate to Notre Dame Seafoods.

"I am very pleased that the owners of the plant in Twillingate and Notre Dame Seafoods, were finally able to reach agreement on the terms of sale, and that the deal was finalized today," said Reid. "The sale of the plant means that Notre Dame Seafoods can now implement their plans to get the plant operational for processing shrimp, which will significantly improve employment opportunities in the area devastated economically in the past number of years."

In January 2001, then Premier Beaton Tulk, wrote to Twillingate Seafoods, a partnership of a group of seven companies, who purchased the plant in 1999. As the plant had not been in operation for two years, Premier Tulk inquired as to whether the group had plans to get the plant up and running. Under the Fish Inspection Act and Regulations, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s legislative authority and policies, provided the province with the right to withdraw any license which is not utilized after two consecutive years. In a written response, the group indicated a willingness to consider the disposal of ownership of the plant to other investors.

"Upon receipt of the letter from the plant owners, the Twillingate Plant Action Committee upon advice from the department, issued a Request for Proposals for the operation of the plant in Twillingate," added Reid. "Notre Dame Seafoods was the successful proponent and at that time they were issued a conditional license, subject to their purchase of the existing plant or the construction of a new plant. After several months of negotiation, today the two parties were able to reach an agreement on the sale. I could not be more pleased, as Twillingate is one of the most historic fishing towns in the province, and this deal will revive the fish processing industry in that town."

Minister Reid added that he hopes that Notre Dame Seafoods will get the plant in operation as soon as possible. "I appreciate the commitment of Notre Dame Seafoods, to the Town of Twillingate and their confidence in the people of that community," added Reid. "The closure of the plant in Twillingate in the late 1990's, had a tremendous impact on the economy and morale of the community. I know that the people of Twillingate are very anxious to get back to work in the plant, and as their representative in the House of Assembly, I am personally very proud of the tenacity and courage which they demonstrated throughout the difficult time when the plant was closed."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733, or (709) 727-3438.

2001 11 16                          5:45 p.m.

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