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May 24, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Fisheries Diversification Projects approved

Brian Tobin, federal Minister of Industry, Robert Thibault, Minister of State for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), and Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador today provided an update on the Fisheries Diversification Program (FDP) and announced a further 20 projects which are receiving a combined total of just over $2 million in funding. 

The main thrust of the FDP is on industry-wide research and development initiatives that reflect strategic economic development priorities of the Newfoundland and Labrador fishing industry. 

"These 20 initiatives demonstrate the variety and scope of efforts which are being pursued to develop the future fishery of Newfoundland and Labrador," said Minister Tobin. "They address environmental and conservation harvesting issues, as well as increase awareness of the need for quality seafood products among fishers, and in some instances, help search out new national and international markets."

"These projects demonstrate government's ongoing commitment to diversifying the fishing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador," said Minister Reid. "Quality enhancement measures, conservation, handling practices and increasing the economic returns on secondary processing in the province are keys to sustaining our fishery for the long term."

The Fisheries Diversification Program is a $10 million program of the $81.25 million Canada-Newfoundland Agreement on the Economic Development Component of the Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Initiative announced in August 1999. Approximately $5 million of the FDP funding has been committed to date.
Media contacts:

Jennifer Savoy
Press Secretary
Robert Thibault
Minister of State for ACOA
Tel: (613) 941-7291

Heidi Bonnell
Communications Director
Office of the Minister of Industry
Tel: (613) 995-9001

Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Tel: (709) 729-3733

Doug Burgess
Director of Communications
Tel: (709) 772-2935

Kimberley Penney
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tel: (709) 772-4645



1. New Found Foods Inc. of Portugal Cove: $76,200 to refine market development initiatives for secondary processing of salmon and mussel production. The objective is to increase production and expand new secondary markets in North America.

2. Marinus Bio Resources of Wesleyville: $47,946 to assist with harvesting, blood extraction and developing markets for live fish export. The fish will be harvested live and shipped to the marketplace or retained in the province to be used for the extraction of blood plasma with anti-freezing agents.

3. All Material Product Inc. (AMPI) of Isle aux Morts: $75,000 for the processing and marketing of new seaweed products, including seaweed in mustard sauce and other spices. The objective is to develop new markets for seaweed products and increase the value of the seaweed sector in the province.

4. Eric Banfield of Fortune Bay: $14,421 to demonstrate the herring wing trap as an alternative and additional harvesting method to further develop a fixed gear/trap fishery for the herring resource in Fortune Bay.

5. Carino Co. of South Dildo: $71,556 to carry out a pilot project on value added seal skin processing. The project entails acquiring equipment to further process salted skins and related training of staff by a master trainer and a master shaver from Norway.

6. The Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (FANL) and the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW): $98,230 to conduct cod quality improvement workshops for fish harvesters across the province to raise quality awareness in the industry. 

7. Polar Seafoods (Canada) Inc. of Corner Brook: $64,800 to develop, package and test market two new secondary processed shrimp products for the retail sector. The company currently has two shrimp products that are being produced and marketed across Canada and the United States. The new products - shrimp au gratin and shrimp rings - will extend the production season at their Corner Brook plant and increase operating viability.

8. Green Seafoods Ltd. of Winterton: $37,810 to hire a production technician to assist with training and packing specialized sea urchin products. The purpose of the project is to maximize the value of labour and the economic returns of sea urchin processing. 

9. Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DFA): $33,500 to conduct an exploratory survey to determine the distribution, abundance and catch rates of toad crab along the coast of Labrador.

10. DFA: $81,800 to conduct an exploratory shrimp survey off the coast of Labrador. The objective of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of beam trawl and pot technology for shrimp along the North and South Labrador coast.

11. DFA : $96,500 to purchase kelp harvesting and drying equipment in an effort to further develop the kelp industry in the province.

12. DFA: $622,650 to carry out nine cod grow-out projects. This FDP initiative will reduce some of the current obstacles in the sustainable development of Atlantic cod grow-out. Sub-components of this funding include fish health, husbandry, diet development, overwintering and marketing. This project will be carried out in conjunction with the FFAW, Newfoundland and Labrador Cod Growers Association, DFO and DFA.

13. DFA: $141,000 to purchase 5,000 whelk pots to be distributed on a loan basis to fishers on the Northern Peninsula and in the White Bay area. The objective is to encourage fishery participation, increase overall landings and achieve a greater market share for Newfoundland and Labrador whelk, resulting in a better financial return to all participants.

14. Memorial University of Newfoundland: $81,110 to conduct scientific research into the health related benefits of seal oil, particularly as related to inflammatory diseases and seal oil effects. This particular study will evaluate the level of success in reducing arthritis related discomfort in animals.

15. Memorial University of Newfoundland: $57,000 to review and study the quality of yield recovery of Newfoundland shrimp and crab shells as raw material for chitin/chitosan processing. This FDP initiative will have implications for development of the crab/shrimp industry in the province and will be of importance to prospective processors of these products.

16. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO): $40,000 to set up a videotape library on conservation harvesting technology in a number of centers throughout the province. The library will be available to those people involved in the fishing industry and help them become more aware of environmentally friendly technologies available to harvest fisheries resources.

17. DFO: $20,362 to assess and evaluate kelp, rockweed and other marine plant harvesting practices and their environmental impacts.

18. DFO: $55,000 to examine the effectiveness of various mesh sizes in otter trawls in avoiding the harvesting of undersized redfish. 

19. DFO: $220,000 to examine the interaction between shrimp trawling and the snow crab resources. This two-year study will be carried out in a known cohabitation area for shrimp and snow crab.

20. DFO: $93,855 to conduct three projects to increase the life expectancy of soft-shell and female snow crab which cannot be retained in the commercial fishery. DFO will conduct a two-year study on snow crab survivability after they are released back into the sea. The department will also produce videotapes and brochures focusing conservation and handling practices onboard vessels for returning the snow crab back to the ocean.

2001 05 24                                             4:00 p.m.

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