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July 6, 2001
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister meets with industry to determine impact of closure of shrimp fishery

Gerry Reid, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, met today with Earle McCurdy. president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers (FFAW/CAW) Union, and Alastair O’Reilly, president of the Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (FANL), to discuss the current closure of the shrimp fishery in the province. The fishery closed on July 3, 2001 based upon a mutual agreement between the FFAW/CAW and FANL due to market conditions which make processing and selling of shrimp unfeasible.

"The closure of the shrimp fishery in the province is having a significant impact on those Newfoundlanders and Labradorians whose livelihoods depend upon that fishery, especially those in the processing sector," said Reid. "Government is very concerned about the impact on workers, and we have been in constant contact with the industry and union to monitor the situation. Today, myself and officials from my department sat down with Mr. McCurdy and Mr. O’Reilly to further develop strategies which will serve to minimize negative impacts on workers."

Government is working with industry and the union to gather information on the workers affected by the closure of the shrimp fishery. Specifically, the impact assessment will determine the exact number of workers affected, and will outline how many workers are still eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits under existing claims. The study will also determine the numbers of workers not eligible for EI, in the hopes of developing strategies for ensuring that those workers are financially secure.

"I have written the federal Minister of Human Resources and Development, Jane Stewart, to request that she consider extending EI eligibility for those affected workers," added Reid. "Alternatively, Minister Stewart may consider assisting these workers with some form of an income-support program. Our main concern is to ensure that the closure of the fishery has the minimum possible impact on workers."

Reid has also written regional federal Minister, Brian Tobin to request a meeting with both him and Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), to discuss the prohibitive 20 per cent tariff on shrimp going into European Union (EU) countries. "Mr. Tobin has committed to meet with myself, industry and union representatives, so as to determine our course of action, in terms of having this issue brought forward by the federal government at the international level," added Reid. "This tariff places local producers at a competitive disadvantage, and we must move forward with an agenda to have this issue addressed with the EU countries, and ultimately removed so that our industry can compete on an even playing field globally. It is my hope that by working cooperatively with the federal government, industry and the unions, we can have this issue resolved for the benefit of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians."

Media contact: Elizabeth Matthews, Communications, (709) 729-3733.

2001 07 06                                                             3:50 p.m.

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