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May 13, 1997
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

The following statement was issued today by John Efford, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

Again today I find it necessary to address an issue that I raised in the House yesterday when I read for the record a letter from Dr. Michael Delmas of the National Polytechnique Institute of Toulouse, France. As Honourable Members are aware, this letter emphatically stated that a CBC report referencing the university and the tannery for Baie Verte was "totally unfounded".

It is most regrettable, Mr. Speaker, that the CBC report on yesterday's proceedings on this issue did not clarify the situation.

This morning I spoke by telephone to Dr. Delmas, and he again assured me that there is no legal dispute and no disagreement between the National Polytechnique Institute, Teleos Trading of Italy, and NATSIQ Nfld. In the case of North American Environmental Technologies, Dr. Delmas also advised me that the institute has no legal dispute with that company. Nor is he aware of any dispute involving NAET and any French company.

It is most unfortunate that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has continued to leave an impression that there is some legal dispute, and by inference that this is linked to Teleos Trading, and that this could compromise the tannery project.

Mr. Speaker, nothing could be further from the truth.

Teleos Trading has a good track record in the tannery business. The tanning process to be used at Baie Verte is the one the company is using in Italy. It has nothing whatsoever to do with any tanning process developed in France.

As Dr. Delmas has told me, the Institute in Toulouse has no legal dispute with either NATSIQ or North American Environmental Technologies. In fact, the institute will be working with NATSIQ on seal oil refining at Baie Verte.

Again, Mr. Speaker, I think the CBC should immediately act to address the issue of misleading reports it has carried about the tannery for Baie Verte. Not to do so would be a grave disservice to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, and all the partners connected with the tannery project.

1997 05 13 2:35 p.m.

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