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September 19, 1997
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister comments on NAFO decisions

Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford says he is very pleased with some decisions taken by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) with respect to fish stocks on the Nose and Tail of the Grand Banks.

"I am particularly pleased that NAFO members have agreed with Canada's position that the observer program will be continued next year, and that the program will likely become permanent in 1999. This will help ensure better enforcement of conservation regulations," he said.

Mr. Efford, in commenting on decisions announced today by NAFO at the conclusion of its annual meeting in St. John's, said he is pleased the moratorium is being maintained on straddling stocks of cod and flounder, with the exception of yellowtail founder. The minister added that other conservation-minded decisions, such as a continued moratorium on northern cod and 3LNO shrimp, are also helpful in ongoing efforts to conserve and protect stocks.

The minister said he is also pleased with NAFO's decision to accept the recommendation of its Scientific Council for a 4,000-tonne quota of yellowtail flounder in 1998. This fishery will proceed conditional on harvesters submitting plans to keep bycatch at a minimum. Noting that Canada will receive 97.5 per cent of the 4,000-tonne TAC, Mr. Efford said Newfoundland and Labrador will benefit from this because most of the processing jobs associated with the harvest will be in this province; 85 per cent of the allocation will be taken by Fishery Products International, and the remainder will accrue to National Sea Products.

Mr. Efford added that the decision that no yellowtail fishing will occur in 3L "underlines the importance of ensuring that no fishing will take place in areas where northern cod is found."

"The decisions on straddling stocks on the Nose and Tail are good ones. However, NAFO has not taken a strong enough conservation approach with respect to groundfish and shrimp on the Flemish Cap," he said.

Mr. Efford said the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador worked closely with the province's fishing industries - both processors and harvesters - to ensure that the Government of Canada took a strong stand for the continued conservation and protection of straddling stocks.

"I commend all parties for their efforts," Mr. Efford said.

"Our ongoing objective," he concluded, "is to have NAFO take those decisions which will help ensure the effective management of all stocks within the NAFO regulatory area, particularly straddling stocks on the Nose and Tail of the Grand Banks, which are of vital interest to this province."

Contact: Josephine Cheeseman, Director of Communciations (709) 729-3733

1997 09 19 4:10 p.m.

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