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October 24, 1997
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Positive results for first inshore northern shrimp fishery

The province's new inshore northern shrimp fishery is creating higher employment levels in both the processing and harvesting sectors, Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford said today.

"The results to date are as encouraging as I anticipated they would be when my federal counterpart announced earlier this year that inshore fishermen could have access to this resource opportunity for the first time ever," he said.

The 1997 quota for northern shrimp was increased by more than 21,500 tonnes over the '96 quota. Of the increase, the province's inshore sector was provided 10,580 tonnes, and this has resulted in new employment and economic benefits both onshore and at sea.

Mr. Efford said that new jobs or additional work has been provided for approximately 400 plant workers at eight plants, with a total of 1,800 tonnes of processed product done to date. He noted that the offshore shrimp fishery continues to play an important role in this fishery, and the expansion to the inshore will result in increased onshore employment in the province.

To date, total northern shrimp landings for the inshore sector are about 4,700 tonnes, with a landed value of around $7 million.

"Considering that this new fishery didn't get under way until three months ago and the fact that most fishermen had to gear up - at considerable expense - for a species they had not fished before, this is extremely encouraging, not just for this year but for the potential benefits for 1998 and beyond," Mr. Efford said.

Approximately 85 inshore vessels have participated in this fishery since it began in mid-July. Based on an average crew of four persons per vessel, some 330 inshore harvesters have been involved in harvesting northern shrimp. Additional vessels are gearing up for 1998, Mr. Efford noted.

Mr. Efford noted that his department will work with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and industry to ensure the orderly development of this new inshore fisheries opportunity.

Contact: Josephine Cheeseman, Director of Communications (709) 729-3733.

1997 10 24 12:05 p.m.

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