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December 11, 1997
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

The following is being distributed at the request of the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board:

Release of Certification Assessment

A total of 16,150 fish harvesters were registered with the board during 1997. Today, the Professional Fish Harvester Certification Board released the results of its professionalization/certification assessment to 7750 Level II Professional Fish Harvesters.

The board is continuing its review of the historic attachment and the income dependency on the fishery of the remaining registered harvesters. Results of professionalization review of all harvesters should be completed during January 1998.

Professionalization and certification is an initiative that recognizes the special skills and experience required to become a professional fish harvester. The process involves bestowing professional status on fish harvesters who have a long-term attachment to fishing and setting qualifying standards for new entrants.

The board will be providing names of 1997 certified fish harvesters to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Certification by the board is a condition for participation in the commercial fishery and for receiving or renewing a licence from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

The 1998 renewal applications from the certification board will be sent early in the new year.

Contact: Boyd Smith, Executive Director, Professional Fish Harverters Certification Board, (709) 722-8170.

1997 12 11 4:15 p.m.

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