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December 22, 1997
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Mowat should apologize, says Minister Efford

Farley Mowat should apologize to the Jewish community for likening the seal harvest to the mass murder of more than six million Jews during World War II, says Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford.

"This is an appalling comparison to make. His statements show total insensitivity to the profound suffering of those who were victims of the Holocaust, not to mention the mental and physical anguish of those who survived. To liken this crime against humanity to a legitimate commercial industry is appalling and clearly demonstrates his lack of understanding of both," he said. "Mr. Mowat should publicly apologize to the Jewish community for his outrageous remarks."

Mr. Efford said that other comments Mr. Mowat made during interviews about the seal harvest clearly indicate the author is either not aware of the facts about the harvest or is ignoring them. "It is also hypocritical of the author to be a member of the group Canadians Against the Commercial Seal Hunt, and at the same time declare he has never advocated the total cessation of the hunt," the minister said.

1997 12 22 4:45 p.m.

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