January 20, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Trevor Taylor pleased with fly-over and talks with federal Minister of Fisheries

Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, is encouraged by his first interactions with the new Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Geoff Regan.

The two ministers held their first official meeting together this afternoon at the Fairmont Hotel Newfoundland in St. John’s. Yesterday, they became acquainted when they flew together on a Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) surveillance flight to the 200-mile limit.

Issues discussed this afternoon included international fisheries issues, the need for a 2004 fishery in 4RS3Pn, the Cod Recovery Initiative, tariffs, science and aquaculture. The overall tone of the meeting was "good-natured, cooperative and general relationship-building," according to Minister Taylor. "This has been an opportunity for me to put forward the province’s views on a number of important fisheries and aquaculture issues. While I realize no commitments have been made, I am confident that Minister Regan understands the province’s position on these matters."

On Monday, the two observed a number of foreign vessels along the nose of the Grand Banks, and Minister Taylor impressed upon Minister Regan the concerns of Newfoundland and Labrador about foreign fishing and the effectiveness of NAFO when it comes to controlling fishing activities of foreign vessels. Minister Taylor reiterated the province's position on custodial management, and requested that Minister Regan and the federal government seriously consider it as an alternative measure for managing the fisheries on the nose and tail of the Grand Banks. "We have long advocated custodial management as the best solution to dealing with problems associated with foreign overfishing. Premier Williams has spoken with the Prime Minister about this issue, and I reaffirmed the province’s position with Minister Regan today."

Minister Taylor also found the NAFO flight to be itself fascinating. "I’m used to being the one in the boat looking up at the bottom of the plane," said the minister. " It was significant on many fronts to accept Ottawa’s invitation to look at the water down below."

"I am looking forward to meeting with Minister Regan again and am eager to see what action will be taken by his department on the issues that we discussed," said Minister Taylor.

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications 729-3733

2004 01 20                                     4:30 p.m.

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