March 16, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister comments on new federal strategy to address foreign overfishing

Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, commented today on the Government of Canada’s new strategy to address foreign overfishing in the northwest Atlantic. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) announced a new $17.5 million investment toward increasing fishery patrols over the next five years. Moreover, DFO announced a new five-and-a-half year $51 million contract with Provincial Airlines to provide aerial surveillance both in and outside the Canadian 200-mile limit.

"I am pleased that the Government of Canada is taking the foreign overfishing issue seriously enough to invest significant financial resources to help address the problem," said Minister Taylor. "The enhanced surveillance and enforcement program may help in deterring non-compliance by foreign fleets outside the 200-mile limit."

Foreign overfishing continues to be an issue of great concern for Newfoundland and Labrador. There has been an increase in reported infractions outside of the 200-mile limit, including but not limited to directed fisheries for species under moratorium, the use of illegal undersized gear, misreporting catches, and failing to provide observer reports. Under current Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) rules, member countries are responsible for enforcing regulations and prosecuting violations. This has repeatedly proven to be ineffective, as certain countries continue to blatantly disregard conservation measures and regulations.

"While this new strategy is a positive step for Canada it does not guarantee improved compliance by foreign fishing fleets," said Minister Taylor. "Under NAFO, the member states are responsible for enforcement regulations, and the flag country is supposed to look after prosecution. Failing substantive changes to NAFO and the behaviour of foreign fleets, the federal government should pursue Canadian custodial management of straddling stocks.

"The Provincial Airlines contract is also welcome news because we are going to have a continuation and enhancement of the air surveillance program by a Newfoundland and Labrador-based company."

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications, (709) 729-3733

2004 03 16                                         5:00 p.m.

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