May 13, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister issues update on New Ferolle fish plant situation

Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today clarified further misinformation surrounding the dispute that led to the shutdown of the New Ferolle fish plant, and provided an update on the government’s progress to resolve the situation.

"The notion that the New Ferolle fish plant has been shut down because I plan to transfer the processing licence to another community is totally and absolutely without merit," said Minister Taylor. "That idea is linked to the legal authority of the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture to issue a licence to anyone in the province within 15 minutes with the stroke of a pen. But when I released the Dunne Report on February 4, I announced that I was making the licencing process more transparent by introducing a licencing board that will make public recommendations to me and future ministers. Since then, my message has been consistent to all those who have approached me for a licence. Any decisions on new requests or on the transferring of licences are being deferred until the board is operational in the Fall of 2004."

Minister Taylor has been working diligently with government officials and with the M.H.A. for St. Barbe, Wallace Young, to come to a timely and appropriate solution to the problem. As referenced in a news release issued by the minister on May 7, 2004, the matter is a complicated one with a number of outstanding financial and liability concerns.

Today, Minister Taylor sent a proposal to the companies involved in the dispute. Minister Taylor’s proposal, which is subject to the companies agreeing on joint responsibility for the licence at the New Ferolle plant in 2004, requires that the companies present a solution to the minister by November 1, 2004 on how they will address their outstanding legal and financial issues. This is a one-time action for 2004 that will allow the New Ferolle plant to open throughout the 2004 fishery.

"The situation in New Ferolle is a serious one. There are a number of creditors and plantworkers who are impacted by the financial and legal predicament of the companies involved," said Minister Taylor. "I have been working closely with Wally Young and a number of government officials to find a solution to this important matter. We all agree that we need to come to a quick and viable resolution."

"I have sent a proposal to the companies involved that, if accepted, will keep the New Ferolle fish plant open for the 2004 fishery. This will address the pressing need for plantworkers to get back to work as quickly as possible," said the minister. "But let me be absolutely clear. The companies would still be responsible for the considerable outstanding legal and financial issues, and by November 1, 2004, would have to present me with an acceptable proposal to address these matters."

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications, (709) 729-3733

2004 05 13                                        1:30 p.m.

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