July 2, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister announces funding for jellyfish development project in Central region

A resource harvesting and processing project in the Central region will explore the potential for the development of jellyfish fisheries in this province, says Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The research will involve exploratory fishing of jellyfish using fixed gear in the Notre Dame/Bonavista Bay area. Live samples will be taken for further experimental processing studies at the Fogo Island fish plant where Chinese technicians are expected to provide guidance in the curing process. The development of a jellyfish fishery would have a significant impact on the income levels of area small boat fishers and fish plant workers at a time of the year when regular fishing activity is almost at a standstill.

"For centuries, jellyfish have been an important species to a large segment of the Asian community throughout the world," said the minister. "Jellyfish are included in many everyday recipes and are used in medical research. Japan, for example, imports up to 14,000 tonnes annually."

Minister Taylor added: "Our province cannot be spineless when it comes to making investments within our means that could help grow our province’s fishery."

This $24,000 project is part of the provinces’ programming to diversify the fishing industry from its traditional dependence on groundfish. The funding supports areas such as innovative fisheries opportunities, quality enhancement, secondary processing and market development.

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications, (709)729-3733

2004 07 02                                       11:55 a.m.

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