July 7, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister comments on shrimp agreement and status of auction system

Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today commented on the recent agreement between representatives of shrimp harvesters and processors, and the associated implications for the province’s shrimp auction system.

Earlier this year, Minister Taylor announced that, in light of the industry’s inability to reach a pricing agreement or to address structural problems in the shrimp fishery, the province was preparing to introduce an electronic hail-at-sea auction system for shrimp. On June 21, 2004, the Fish, Food, and Allied Workers (FFAW) and the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP) achieved a collective agreement on shrimp.

"I am pleased that an agreement on shrimp has been reached between the FFAW and the ASP. I have consistently stated that an industry-led solution for an orderly fishery is in all of our best interests," said Minister Taylor. "This is the first negotiated settlement in some time that did not require arbitration and it’s a possibility that our moving forward with an auction system had a part in both sides coming together. I believe that our actions have clearly demonstrated our continued resolve to address the industry’s pricing disputes. As a result of this quick settlement, I am putting a hold on the auction system for shrimp. My main concern continues to be that we have a mechanism to ensure that the fishery proceeds in an orderly manner."

Minister Taylor also reiterated the government’s resolve to address the pricing issue on a permanent basis. "Reoccurring price disputes directly impact the plant workers and crew members who receive the lowest incomes. Furthermore, disputes damage our credibility with our buyers, who need a reliable source of a quality product. Only our competitors benefit from our shrimp or crab boats being tied up," said the minister. "We must avoid such delays in 2005 and beyond. As I have previously indicated, I plan to lead a public debate in the fall where harvesters, plant workers, and processors will have the opportunity to comment freely on the merits of a raw material sharing system or an auction system. A rational and objective discussion is needed to determine a new direction for the 2005 fishery."

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications, (709) 729-3733

2004 07 07                                      12:15 p.m.

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