July 15, 2004
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Labrador sea cucumber, toad crab, and whelk development initiatives get go-ahead

Trevor Taylor, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Minister Responsible for Labrador Affairs, today announced funding for fisheries development projects in Labrador totaling $94,200.

"These resource survey and gear demonstration projects will help diversify the Labrador fishing industry," said Minister Taylor. "These short-term initiatives have the potential to help grow area economies over the long-term. Ultimately, communities such as Makkovik, Mary’s Harbour, Nain, or Rigolet could benefit from the development of fisheries such as sea cucumber, toad crab, or whelk."

Two resource survey projects have been approved. Sea cucumbers are known to exist all along the Labrador coast in varying quantities and the provincial government has allocated $49,000 for a survey that will identify sea cucumber numbers from Cartwright to St. Michael’s Bay. The funds will also assist with processing development that will help bring this fishery to a commercial stage. Another $31,500 will fund toad crab surveys in Makkovik and Mary’s Harbour. These will provide information to area fishers on a size profile of toad crab and on toad crab populations near Makkovik and Mary’s Harbour.

Two gear demonstration projects are being initiated. A $9,000 test fishery will be conducted along the Strait of Belle Isle (Labrador) using cod pots. The testing will involve work with local fishers to modify the existing cod pot technology. Another $4,700 has been allocated as part of a cost-shared initiative with the Torngat Fish Producers Cooperative Society. This project will involve a test fishery for whelk in Nain and Rigolet to determine catch rates.

One of the provincial government’s priorities is economic growth and job creation, particularly in rural areas. Programming to diversify the fishing industry from its traditional dependence on groundfish is one innovative and creative approach. The funding supports areas such as quality enhancement, secondary processing, and market development.

Media contact: Alex Marland, Communications, (709) 729-3733

2004 07 15                                        11:45 a.m.

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