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March 6, 1998
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Industry stakeholders set quality example, Efford says

Producing high quality fish and fish products in Newfoundland and Labrador is high on the agenda these days for Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford. Getting information about quality assurance out to industry stakeholders is one of his priorities. He is delighted that the Fish Harvester's Resource Centres (FHRC) affiliated with the Fishermen, Food and Allied Worker, and some processing companies are also taking the initiative to ensure high quality fish are landed for processing.

This complements the department's quality assurance initiatives started last year. "We are holding information sessions for harvesters and processors in the different regions of the province beginning the middle of March," said Minister Efford. "These sessions will include information on the department's quality initiatives as well as information on harvesting, product development, and marketing of underutilized species. Harvesters and processors will be able to exchange ideas and provide direction on these proposed initiatives for the 1998 harvesting management plan of which quality is a large part."

Several processors have taken quality matters into their own hands and are holding their own sessions to inform harvesters of their expectations in terms of proper fish handling practices, icing, and storage methods aboard the vessels.

The FHRC recently held sessions on shrimp harvesting of which quality was a part. And they are continuing with their dock-side monitoring program at the landing sites around the province.

"I commend the FFAW, the FHRC, and the processing companies for taking the initiative to work with harvesters to ensure that high quality fish are landed for processing in this province, and I encourage others to do the same. My department strongly advocates quality assurance throughout the whole process, from harvesting, off-loading, transporting, to processing. We are working with industry to make changes to ensure high quality fish products are produced in this province. Increased communication on the issue of quality assurance leads to better understanding for all parties involved. These groups are setting a fine example in the fishing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador."

"We all need to work together," said the minister, "for the benefit of everyone in the industry to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador has a reputation for high quality products in the international marketplace."

Contact: Josephine Cheeseman, Director of Public Relations, (709) 729-3733.

1998 03 06 3:35 p.m.

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