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June 23, 1998
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Early start to fisheries

This year's capelin fishery is off to a timely start because a price settlement was reached in time for the industry to initiate appropriate harvesting and processing plans, says Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford.

"In the past some fisheries, particularly crab, have been late starting because of price disputes. This year we have five significant fisheries off to an early start because of a new collective bargaining model implemented as a pilot project this year," he said.

In addition to capelin, price settlements were reached early for crab, shrimp, lumproe and cod. The pilot project in collective bargaining was one of several recommendations made by a task force that was established to assess the effectiveness of the Fishing Industry Collective Bargaining Act as a mechanism for price negotiations. Fish price impasses over the past five years resulted in delays to the start of some fisheries, particularly for crab, in which case there were several serious disruptions in the fishery.

"An early start to these fisheries sends a strong signal to our markets that the Newfoundland and Labrador fishing industry can supply product at the time the markets demand them. This more orderly approach also has a positive impact on the quality of our products - something that must remain a top priority for everyone involved in the industry," Mr. Efford said.

"We must have a reputation as a reliable supplier of seafood products, not only to maintain existing markets, but to increase our market share."

Early starts to these fisheries have resulted in increased employment levels. In March, there was an increase of 1,300 jobs in fish processing, followed by an increase of 2,600 in April when crab processing began, and a gain of 2,800 in May when there was increased activity in both the crab and shrimp fisheries.

"Compared to 1997 when the crab fishery did not get under way until August, this early start is extremely encouraging," Mr. Efford said.

Contact: Josephine Cheeseman (709) 729-3733.

1998 06 23                         2:20 p.m.

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