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June 30, 1998
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister reiterates quality control in south coast cod fishery

With the cod fishery in 3Ps on Newfoundland and Labrador's south coast opening today, Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford is reminding everyone to make quality control a priority.

"Now that the fishery is open, it's absolutely essential that everyone involved follow the proper harvesting, shipping and processing practices in terms of producing high quality fish products," says the minister. "From the time the fish is taken out of the water until it lands on the consumer's table, we must ensure that the fish is handled with care and properly iced, during handling, shipping and storage."

"Our department does not want to see a repeat of 1997 when mistakes were made which inadvertently affected our fish markets. Last year, three million pounds of fish were landed in a short period of time. Plants couldn't handle it. Much of the product was left around to deteriorate."

"In terms of quality," the minister says, "we must do things in an orderly fashion. Ideally, the fish shouldn't be harvested until harvesters have a guaranteed sale for it. There are 20,000 tonnes available but it should be harvested over a period of time and not all at once if we are to maintain the integrity of the quality."

Mr. Efford also explains that by waiting a little longer, the fish have a chance to grow larger, and the harvester will get a better return for his catch due to the better size. "When I talk about quality," he says, "I mean not only maintaining the temperature of the fish, but I am also referring to the size of the fish. By waiting a few more weeks, the fish will be larger and the harvester will get a better price for his fish."

Mr. Efford emphasized that improving and maintaining the quality of fish products is crucial to the survival and expansion of Newfoundland and Labrador's fishing industry. "We have a level of confidence built in the markets and we cannot afford to lose it. It's imperative that our `brand' of Newfoundland and Labrador stand for high quality."

"Fish is a food and it must be treated like a food," the minister says.

Contact: Robin Bartlett, Communications, (709) 729-4441.

1998 06 30                              3:50 p.m.

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