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September 21, 1998
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister comments on NAFO decisions

Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister John Efford commented today on the outcome of the NAFO meeting that concluded Friday past in Lisbon, Portugal.

He noted that the two principal objectives of the province for the 1998 meeting were to obtain permanent implementation of the 100 per cent observer program and to seek a continuation of the moratorium on 3LNO shrimp until such time as further scientific assessment of the resource can be completed.

"NAFO's decision to implement the 100 per cent observer program on a permanent basis is critical to the future rebuilding of NAFO-managed stocks," Mr. Efford said, noting that this program began several years ago on a pilot basis as a key outcome of the "turbot war." This program "has worked well to date, with a major decline in infringements," he said, noting that NAFO members also agreed to review the program in 2001 to determine whether appropriate modifications to the permanent program will be necessary.

Mr. Efford said that the province has supported the Government of Canada's objective of maintaining a moratorium on 3LNO shrimp.

"Our principal concern," he said, "is that a fishery for 3LNO shrimp outside 200 miles could compromise the recovery of flatfish stocks within the NAFO regulatory area. Clearly, we must have a further assessment of this issue before agreeing to a 3LNO shrimp fishery." Canada will be undertaking further scientific study of the 3LNO shrimp resource during the coming year with the issue to be revisited by NAFO at its 1999 meeting."

"If a fishery for 3LNO shrimp is to open in the future, it has to be on Canada's terms which ensure that our conservation objectives are met," Mr. Efford said.

In commenting on quota decisions for individual NAFO-managed stocks for 1999, Mr. Efford that there is no significant change in quota levels for most stocks. Therefore, most NAFO-managed stocks remain under moratoria for 1999. Nevertheless, there are signs of recovery of the 3LNO yellowtail flounder stock and the 3KLMNO turbot stock, where quotas have increased from 4,000 tonnes to 6,000 tonnes and 27,000 tonnes to 33,000 tonnes respectively.

"It is clear," he said, "that virtually all NAFO-managed stocks remain at depressed levels and that this can only be reversed through full support among all NAFO members for a continuation of effective resource conservation measures. The key decisions at the 1998 NAFO meeting are clearly consistent with this objective."

Media contact: Josephine Cheeseman, Communications (709) 729-3733.

1998 09 21                                                                                            11:25 p.m.

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