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October 23, 1998
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

The following is being distributed at the request of Newfoundland and Labrador Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board:

Upcoming Consultation Workshops on Professionalization

The attached letter was mailed on October 22, 1998 to approximately 16,000 professional fish harvesters registered for 1998 with the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board.

The consultation workshops are part of the continuing development of the Professionalization Program and these workshops will discuss issues pertaining to education and training, maintenance of status and development of a code of ethics.

Workshops will be held in approximately 225 communities in the months of November and December. Exact dates and locations have not been confirmed but local fishery committees will be informed of the date and location of the meetings. Twenty-five professional fish harvesters are participating in a comprehensive facilitator training seminar at the Marine Institute in St John's from October 19-23, 1998 to prepare for the delivery of these one day workshops.

Professional fish harvesters are being asked to provide their opinion to assist the board with the continued development of the professionalization program.

For further information contact: Boyd Smith, Executive Director (709) 722-8170


Important Upcoming Workshops to Discuss Education and Training,
Maintenance of Status and The Development of a Code of Ethics

Dear Professional Fish Harvester:

For the past several years the idea of Certification and Professionalization has been discussed at several seminars where it gained support from the FFAW, HRD, DFA, DFO and the Fishery Co-Operatives. During 1994 over 250 community meetings were held throughout the province to discuss Professionalization and Certification. In excess of 5000 fish harvesters attended these meetings and there was over 90 percent acceptance of the program. Four years after these meetings, the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board became operational in January of 1997.

During its initial year the Board has:

Operated and maintained an efficient fish harvesters registration system.

Grandparented fish harvesters into the appropriate certification levels.

Provided an independent appeal procedure for fish harvesters.

As this phase is nearing completion, the Board must now proceed with the important issues related to finalizing Education and Training guidelines, criteria for Maintenance of Status and Development of a Code of Ethics. Before the Board begins this next process, it is necessary to seek advice from the fish harvesters of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board is planning approximately two hundred and fifty community workshops for the months of November and December 1998. Workshops will be held in or near your community. As it is not possible to determine the exact date and location for your meeting place, the Board will use local fisheries committees, radio stations and local newspapers to notify you to where and when the workshops will be held. At these workshops, a presentation will be made to explain:

Objectives of the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board.

Education and Training Issues:

Criteria for the advancement of Professional Fish Harvesters grandparented as Apprentices or Level I Fish Harvesters.
Criteria for New Entrants.
Results of the grandparenting assessment.

Maintenance of Status:

Annual registration required to maintain Levels.
Should 75 per cent of earned income come from fishing to maintain status.
How long can an Apprentice remain as an Apprentice?
How long can a fish harvester retain his/her Certification Level without fishing activity?

Developing a Code of Ethics:

Gaining the respect of other professions.
Identifying the responsibility of a Professional Fish Harvester to the profession and to the general public.
Sanctions against fish harvesters for violations of the Code of Ethics.

The Workshops will not deal with TAGS issues or license buyouts.


The fishery of the future is one where fish harvesters have to play a greater role in the management of the fishing industry. Professionalization is the first step towards achieving this goal. Please make an effort to attend the meeting closest to you. Your opinion is required to help with the continued development of your professionalization program.

Enclosed is a copy of the Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Act, which was approved by the Lieutenant Governor and House of Assembly. When you attend the workshop, please bring your Professional Fish Harvesters Card and the copy of the Act. All registered Professional Fish Harvesters are encouraged to attend these workshops.

Yours truly,

Boyd Smith
Executive Director

1998 10 23                         12:45 p.m.

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