Department of Government Services Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

About this Branch

Occupational Health and Safety Branch


Our mandate is to maintain and improve health and safety standards in the workplace through the administration of:

  • The Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations
  • The Mines Safety of Workers Regulations
  • The Radiation Health and Safety Act and Regulations and,
  • Other associated Regulations, Codes of Practice and specified standards


The Division is supported by a complement of staff including inspections officers, industrial hygienists, engineers and radiation specialists to perform various multi-disciplinary activities such as:

  • Investigating workplace accidents and statistics
  • Conducting compliance inspections and detailed audits of workplaces
  • Hygiene assessments of various physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic agents in the workplace in order to protect worker health
  • Evaluating and inspecting radiation control measures in workplaces
  • Enforcing Occupational Health and Safety Legislation


Occupational Health and Safety The Occupational Health and Safety Branch have its own distinct logo that is identifiable with occupational health and safety in this Province. The overall shape is that of a yield symbol, reminding people to take caution when in the workplace. The orange color also is representative of the cautious and careful attitude necessary to remain healthy and safe while on the job.

The blended pyramid inside represents the tripartite approach with each of the three sides representing government, employers and labour. The blending colors of the pyramid-type triangle represents the necessity of the three parties to join together in working to attain the single goal of an accident-free workplace, which is depicted by a single orange triangle in the center of the triangle.

The line across the top of the pyramid rests on the center point and has the words "Working Safely Together" This line acts as a balancing point that signifies all three sides working together to achieve a perfect balance for a safe working environment.

Copyright © 2000 — Last modified on Tuesday, 03-Oct-2006 Newfoundland Daylight Time