Bureau Canadien des Archivistes - Bureau of Canadian Archivists Bureau Canadien des Archivistes - Bureau of Canadian Archivists



Mandate and Objective

Board of Directors

Copyright Committee



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Board of Directors

The property and business of the corporation shall be managed by a board of six (6) directors, namely:

  • The president of the Association des archivistes du Québec
  • The first vice-president of the Association des archivistes du Québec
  • The president of the Association of Canadian Archivists
  • The vice-president of the Association of Canadian Archivists
  • The Secretary General
  • The Assistant Secretary General
Directors 2006-2007
Nathalie Gélinas (President of the AAQ)
Andrée Gingras (Director General of the AAQ)
Scott Goodine (President of the ACA)
Linda Fraser (Vice-president of the ACA)
Shelley Sweeney (Secretary General)
Anne LeClair (Assistant Secretary General)
Duncan Grant (Executive Director of the ACA)