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Backgrounder - Initiatives to assist Haiti in its ongoing development, governance and stabilization efforts

20 July 2007
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced several initiatives to assist Haiti in its ongoing development, governance and stabilization efforts. The significant improvement in the country’s security situation allows concrete actions aimed at improving education, community and social services, and trade and investment opportunities. 

Debt Relief - Moratorium on Payments and Debt Cancellation

Canada’s debt-relief strategy, under the Canadian Debt Initiative announced in 1999, is to offer eligible countries an initial 100-percent debt service moratorium, followed by 100-percent debt cancellation after an additional period of demonstrated governance reform. Most other bilateral creditors have followed Canada’s lead and implemented a similar strategy.

Debt relief will encourage and support Haiti’s continued improvements in governance and macroeconomic stability. Haiti’s debts to Canada amount to C$2.3 million.

Construction and Community Services in Poor Neighbourhoods

Canada will help improve community and social services in poor Haitian neighbourhoods most affected by urban violence. The new Batilavi fund, named after the Creole word for “build life”, is one of several targeted funds that Canada supports.

Aimed at local development projects in priority areas, this responsive fund will help community organizations alleviate poverty and maintain peace in the most conflict-affected neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince and Gonaïves. Specific projects include distributing safe drinking water, improving school facilities, constructing community centres, and increasing the quality of life for women and children.

As part of Canada’s overall funding for Haiti, announced in 2006, Canada will provide $6 million. This is a new initiative provided through existing funding.

Canada is also contributing a blood-analysis machine that will allow screening for HIV/Aids in approximately 15 minutes, as opposed to an entire day using current
systems. This initiative is part of Canada’s support for Haiti’s Saint Catherine’s Laboure Hospital, and for the work of the World Food Program and Medecins-du-Monde Canada.

Education and Protection for Children Affected by Urban Violence in Colombia and Haiti

Canada will help Haitian youth gain access to quality formal and in-formal education in conflict-affected areas, and provide protection to children affected by urban violence. This project will improve the quality of education for up to 60,000 children in Colombia and Haiti.

This project supplements an existing one, replicating previously established models for safe schools. Working closely with the Haitian Ministry of National Education and Professional Training, the program will also create transparent and equitable options for financing education.

Approximately $860,000 for Haiti, part of an overall $1.6 million package for Save the Children Canada. 

Support for Security and Policing

Canada will increase its support for security, the re-establishment of the rule of law, and Canadian civilian police attached to the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). Specific initiatives aimed at strengthening police, prison and border-management capacity will contribute to overall stabilization efforts in Haiti.

Canada is a lead contributor to MINUSTAH’s mandate to reform and professionalize the Haitian National Police (HNP). Canadian law enforcement officers work as technical advisers, actively involved in the daily mentoring and coaching of HNP members in the areas of training, recruiting, and weapons handling. 

$35 million will go to support these initiatives, including support to Canadian civilian police deployed by the Canadian Police Arrangement to MINUSTAH.

Haiti Trade and Investment Forum

Canada will support an international trade and investment forum to be held in Haiti in October 2007. Coordinated by the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Development Bank, the forum will highlight Canadian expertise in various sectors, including Canadian companies who are active or interested in conducting business in Haiti. Canada will contribute $170,000 to this initiative.

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