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Prime Minister Harper welcomes King Abdullah II of Jordan

9 July 2007

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, will visit Canada on July 12 and 13, 2007.

Canada and Jordan desire peace and progress for the Middle East and this royal visit enables Canada to strengthen its partnership with Jordan.

During his visit, King Abdullah and his accompanying royal and ministerial delegation will be in Ottawa to meet with Prime Minister Harper, attend a business luncheon hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and meet with the leader of the Official Opposition. King Abdullah will also deliver an address to an audience of political, business, diplomatic and civil society leaders at the headquarters of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada in Ottawa.

Prime Minister Harper and King Abdullah will have the opportunity to discuss the situation in the Middle East and opportunities for progress in light of these challenges. They will also examine how to further strengthen our bilateral relationship, both politically and economically.