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Phone-in statement about Lowell Green for the roast on his 50th Anniversary in Canadian broadcasting

20 April 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Notes for an Address by

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada


Lowell, it’s Stephen calling from Ottawa.  Thanks for taking my call.

Sorry I can’t be there with you in person, but for once you will have to listen to my comments without nailing me with one of your hardball questions.

I’m sure you can handle it.  After all, it’s only fitting that after 50 years, you let others do the talking.

Lowell, you deserve everything you get tonight.

But you also deserve recognition as a giant of talk radio in Canada.  I’m sure I speak for all your listeners in thanking you for your huge contributions to democratic debate in this great country.

All the best and enjoy the roast – you’ve earned it!

Audio (.mp3)

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