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Prime Minister's remarks at the Opening of the Canadian Embassy in Bucharest

27 September 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Thank you for your warm welcome.

And thank you for your kind introduction, Ambassador Moszczenska.

I’m pleased to be joined this afternoon by New Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord – who is celebrating his birthday today, as a matter of fact – and Quebec Premier Jean Charest.

We’re all delighted to have this opportunity to visit the embassy and to thank each of you personally for your hard work on Canada’s behalf. 

Our staff in embassies and missions around the world play a crucial role:

  • You represent Canada’s national interests abroad,

  • You promote Canadian values such as freedom, democracy and the rule of law,

  • And, sometimes most importantly, you provide help to Canadians abroad in times of need.

    During the events in the Middle East this past summer we witnessed the capacity of Canadian diplomats to respond to crisis first hand.

    I know that many of you in this room were directly involved, both in Lebanon and in Cyprus, in the evacuation of Canadian citizens. 

    Having participated in a small part of that difficult operation I can tell you that your efforts were very much appreciated.

    On behalf of all Canadians, I thank you for your professionalism, your hard work, and your dedication to our country.

    Now, today in Bucharest, we are marking a particularly special occasion with the opening of this new chancery – a symbol of the strong relationship between Canada and Romania.

    This embassy speaks of a commitment that is more than bricks and mortar – or in this case, copper and glass.  It is a commitment to this country and its people.

    Canada has benefited from the contribution of thousands of Romanians who came to Canada in search of a new life and, with it, greater democracy, freedom and prosperity.

    Thanks to the determination and courage of the Romanian people, Romania has transformed itself – years of tyranny have given way to democracy.

    In the interests of collective peace and security, Canada was proud to lead all NATO allies in ratifying Romania’s accession to this important treaty.

    And with hundreds of Romanian soldiers alongside our own men and women in Afghanistan,

  • We Canadians are pleased to have Romania by our side in aiding that Country’s transformation from a failing state into a fledging democracy. 

    But we musn’t forget the cultural aspect, which is the reason for our presence here in Bucharest.

    Canada was delighted to support Romania’s bid to host the francophone summit. 

    It is the ideal opportunity for all member countries to dialogue in the language of Molière.

    In closing, I would like to thank our Romanian hosts for the superb job I know they will do in hosting this important summit.

    And, thank you again to all of you for your work to strengthen the close cooperation our two countries enjoy.

    Thank you very much.

    God bless Canada.

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