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Backgrounder - Highlights of Canada’s contribution in Afghanistan

23 May 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Canada has shown leadership in international efforts in Afghanistan by committing development assistance and deploying diplomats, development workers, troops and civilian police to help the Afghan government secure a better future for its people. The Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar Province is key to carrying out reconstruction and development efforts in the South.

Approximately 2,500 Canadian Forces personnel are now deployed in support of operations in Afghanistan. Since 2002, over 18,000 CF personnel have served in the country. Canadian generals have commanded both ISAF and Regional Command South.

Canada is now in charge of the mentoring program for Afghan soldiers deployed in Kandahar province, as well as the province of Uruzgan to the north. Through this program, the Canadian Forces are helping influence and shape the mentoring and training of about 1,000 Afghan soldiers.

Beyond Kandahar Province, ongoing work by Canadians is also helping to bring professional standards to Afghanistan’s justice system, including police service and correctional system. There are presently 35 Canadian police officers in Afghanistan, both military and civilian, supporting police reform at the national and regional level. Correctional Service Canada has deployed three of its officers to Afghanistan.

Canada is also ensuring police receive regular pay through a multi-year contribution of $39.8 million to the Law and Order Trust Fund (LOTFA) managed by the United Nations Development Program.

Canada is one of the top bilateral donors for reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, pledging $1.2 billion over ten years until 2011. Canada’s funding is delivered through trusted and well-managed partner organizations including the World Bank and UN organizations as well as reputable international and Canadian non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

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