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Backgrounder - Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT)

23 May 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) help the democratically elected government of Afghanistan increase its ability to govern, rebuild the nation and provide services to its citizens.

There are currently 25 Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) operating in Afghanistan under the authority of the UN-sanctioned, NATO-led, 37-nation International Security & Assistance Force (ISAF).

The Canadian PRT is based in Kandahar City in the southern province of Kandahar. The 350-person Canadian team utilizes the expertise of diplomats, development experts, corrections experts, the police & military.  Located in the former heartland of the repressive Taliban regime, the Canadian PRT is at the forefront of reconstruction efforts in Kandahar Province and has the lead for assisting the highly successful Afghan National Solidarity Program (NSP). To date, close to 500 reconstruction projects have been completed in Kandahar Province.

Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States and the Netherlands are among the 12 countries who have the lead responsibility for a PRT. In addition, there are 9 other countries who participate in the PRTs as partners. Canada assumed responsibility for the Kandahar PRT in August 2005.
The Canadian PRT includes nine civilian police officers, three officers from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), a Political Director from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) and two representatives from Correctional Services Canada (CSC).  The remainder of the team consists of Canadian Forces personnel, including a combination of engineers, military police, project managers and force protection elements. 

The PRT’s mandate closely mirrors the priorities of the Afghanistan Compact and Afghan National Development Strategy, namely security, governance and development. The PRT supports key national Afghan programs such as the National Solidarity Program. The PRT also carries out a broad range of enabling roles such as police training and strengthening all areas of local governance capacity, justice and human needs assistance.

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