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Prime Minister releases national science and technology strategy to strengthen Canada’s economy

17 May 2007
Waterloo, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today released Canada’s new national science and technology (S&T;) strategy, identifying more private research and development as key to strengthening Canada’s economy.

Accompanied by Industry Minister Maxime Bernier, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Rona Ambrose, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Prime Minister Harper announced Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada’s Advantage at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

“Canada’s New Government is charting a new direction, one that links the competitive energy of Canada’s entrepreneurs to the creative genius of our scientists,” the Prime Minister said. “Our new strategy will strengthen Canada’s economy by tapping our deep well of entrepreneurial energy to fuel our technological progress.”

The Prime Minister noted that the new strategy is designed to boost private sector investment in research and development and enrolment in university science and engineering programs. “Building up our science and technology assets and expertise is as important to the economic future of Canada as the development of our physical infrastructure,” the Prime Minister said.

Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada’s Advantage focuses federal support for research and development in four key areas: natural resources, the environment, health, and information technology.  “Our new strategy will create high quality jobs in the science and technology sector, improve our standard of living and quality of life, and build a stronger economy and a stronger Canada for future generations,” said Prime Minister Harper.

Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada’s Advantage is available for download at;. Copies can also be ordered from the Government of Canada Publications Centre at 1 800 635-7943.